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Mobilegeddon did you miss it?

April 21st 2015 saw google launch its latest search engine algorithm which created an imperative for website owners to address the mobile experience of their site or else...

There's a good report here via in which more than 40% of the largest US PR agencies passed the mobile friendliness test but just over 25% fell short of google's expectations.

You can test your site here: Mobile-Friendly Test >

mobilegeddonA week later, was 'Mobilegeddon' as significant as expected?... possibly not.... but that doesnt mean it isnt going to sneak up on us - published this interesting report here > in which they asked a bunch of webmasters if they noticed a change in the search engine rankings, the majority said no... at least not yet.... but why wait, 48% of Google searches in 2014 were done on a mobile device. (source

So what to do.... the user experience of your website is important not just for search engine rankings but for your visitors, a lot of them are likely to be accessing via mobile devices so if they arent finding what they want on your site quickly and easily then it might be time to update...... all the new sites from in8 are responsive, if you have an older site and would like it updating or would like a new site then please get in touch for a quote. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 01491 636023



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Website Design Henley-on-Thames

as well as product design, logo design, branding, graphics and print management, in8 creative design Co. offers web design, UX design for platforms, apps and UI projects. Get in touch for more information via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 01491636023 - in8 - Celebrating 10 years.

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Website Design Henley-on-Thames

in8 Creative Design Co. has supplied many web sites in Henley on Thames... as well as branding, flyers, product design, posters and banners in8 has helped a wide range of companies, self employed and startups with new or refreshed websites. a few of them are listed below....

Car Sales -

Henley Dog
Henley Tree
Henley Yoga Studio -
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Happy Customers...

So I have finally come out of the dark ages and scrapped the website I clearly got out of the bottom of a cereal box and want to say a massive thanks to the guys at in8 who built the website to make it look fresh and up to date!
Ben Deakin